Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ring Video Doorbell Pro

Unboxing the Ring Video Doorbell Pro.
Yesterday evening, MJ and I went to have a look at the Ring Video Doorbell Pro. How technology has advanced! The simple doorbell has evolved into one that includes motion activated video recording of who's at your door, the ability to record the video, talk to the person, and the best part is, you don't have to be physically at home to do this! How amazing is that? Of course you have to have wifi and you have to hardwire this contraption but I'd rather have that than constantly have to recharge its battery every few months, like its other models. Also you have to subscribe to a data recording service that allows you do record and keep the video for 3 months. You can download the videos and archive them too. This is a convenient function to catch, for example, someone who's trying to vandalise or even steal your nifty looking doorbell. All will be captured on video. What's more, if your doorbell is ever stolen, Ring will replace it, no questions asked and this is a lifetime guarantee! Of course we bought the damn thing. Who can resist? Its price is also 'nice'. It costs S$379 but it comes with a transformer that is required if you want to use it in this part of the world as it is US made and caters to the US voltage. The sales rep assures us that there is no issue with using the transformer. 
It comes in a total of four different coloured face plates: Silver, white, black and brown.  The chimer can be plugged into any socket in any part of the house though you will want to probably put it in the living room so that everyone can hear it.

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