Tuesday, September 26, 2017

DAY 24

The pipes and one half of the floor trap were in place.I didn't visit yesterday and, as usual, went this morning instead. There wasn't much progress that I could see, except for the laying of cement screed in the master bathroom. Other that that, I could not determine what else had been done yesterday. I'd half expected the parquet to be laid when I got there but they were still piled up where it was left yesterday. 
Clockwise from top left: The WC waste pipe, the shower area outlet and the bathroom floor trap.
The kitchen bathroom,
No entry to both bathrooms to allow the cement screed to set.
Our 50L AO Smith water tank fixed to the top inner corner of the kitchen bathroom. I'm posting this photo more to see how the water pipes run to the tank and how it's affixed. The small square box hanging inside the suspended plastic ziploc is the digital thermometer.
Can't remember if this was finished yesterday. The humongous aircon casing protruding at the corner of the master bedroom. 
Thank goodness the mess is temporary...
It's status quo on the 24th day of renovations.

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