Wednesday, September 27, 2017

DAY 25

The bathroom floor of the master bedroom has been tiled and the shower area demarcated. The shower area is tiny and it will be a tight squeeze. Soaking in a tub at home shall remain a dream. 
I like that the floor traps are covered with the same bathroom tile. It looks sleek and stylish. Last night when we got there to have a look, a huge cockroach was running around because the waste pipe hole was exposed. Looks like there was a little air-conditioning work done as well. The insulated copper pipes looked neater and was fixed nicely along the walls. 
The tiled floor traps.
The kitchen bathroom had just been cement screeded when we got there last night. It looked very wet. It had dried somewhat by this morning. I believe they will tile it today.
The curb at the room doors were tidied up, ready to lay the parquet.
At Em's room.
Thick air-conditioning insulated pipes run neatly along the pocket door wall in Meg's room.
View from Em's room. The aircon units will be located above the pocket door on both sides.

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