A mass of cabinets were strewn all over the living room. |
Workers discussing details. |
View from the study side. |
Checking for angles with the bubble leveller. |
The carpenter discussing with the electrician. |
A hand plane wood shaving tool and plenty of wood shavings are found throughout the house. |
I found this box of nails organised in this toolbox very interesting. |
I like the clean look and simple lines of the doors, door frames and walls. I have to admit that the oak colour of the wood turned out better than I had expected. |
It's a dark grey laminate, not black. |
Em 'trying out' some of the furniture. |
Meg having a closer look. |
This piece in the foreground will go up above the piece in the background to become the wall between the study and living rooms. |
The TV console. |
Doors and gates. |
Chaos and commotion in the house. The accused are inanimate objects. |
Ta-da! We finally see the 2D drawings materialise into actuality. |
Two views of the study room cabinets. The oak portions are for books and if that's not enough, we'll use the bottom storage as well. |
On the right is the panel for the TV which will be mounted on the black 'wall'. |
A new view of the living from the study. |
A daytime view. |
The study is still a good size because the cabinets 'ate into' the living room space, instead of the study. |
Em trying out the pocket door. |
A close-up of the pocket door. This handle is flushed with the door. You pull it out when you want to close the door. |
The pocket door in its 'open' position. |
Cabinet shelves stored at one corner of the study. |
Another view of the console. The strips allow the signals to pass and at the same time hide the TV and audio equipment from view. |
The door stopper that was installed is not the one that our designers showed us. I much prefer their original suggestion. But to change it would mean leaving holes in the wall and door. |
This is the door stopper that our IDs sent us from another project they did. |
That's her idea of posing. |
The void is where our display shelves will be. |
A wider view from the kitchen. |
A built up living room. |
A general view of the living room. |
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