Wednesday, October 18, 2017

DAY 37

The laying of tiles in the living room is almost done. There's just a small area left next to the study area. Today is a public holiday - Deepavali - so it's a rest day. We went over to have a look late last night at around 11pm and saw the progress but I went back again today to photograph it in daylight. Em and I picked Meg and Sarah up after tuition and we all went together to have a look. 
I must say the tiles have been laid quite nicely. All the lines are straight and I'm just waiting to see how they reconcile the corners and joints with the room. So far, in terms of the level between the living room and the bedrooms, they do align, but the point where the living floor meets the rooms will have to be flushed and finished nicely. These are the details that set average and good workmanship apart. We're happy with the standard of workmanship on the house so far. I'm a little worried about how the parquet flooring has become very dirty as no protection was placed over it, unlike the tiles where corrugated paper has been placed over to protect the white coloured new flooring.
Only the area in the foreground hasn't been tiled yet.
The tiles align well with the threshold with other rooms.
The mess is gradually decreasing.
We kept off the freshly laid tiles to allow the cement screed time to set properly.
Do you see a small hole in the centre of the floor?
A closer up look at the square 'hole'. Our recliner sofa, which requires power, will be placed over the hole. The power cord will be 'threaded' through the hole and a pipe that follows it to the electrical socket at the wall. I really don't know how they are going to do this! We shall see...
Ending off this blog post with a very creative photo my 7-yr-old shot with my phone. She put the phone  at a low angle, almost on the floor and made this shot. I complimented her on the interested angle. The other day I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she surprised me by saying: "Like you!". I asked her in what way (while secretly flattered and happy with her reply) and she said, "A photographer!" I was in two minds whether to encourage her or to tell her that this profession doesn't make much financially but of course I "did the right thing" and encouraged her to shoot more with the camera I bought her. 

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