One of the highlights of every trip to Bangkok is going to Chatuchak weekend market. Whether you're rich or poor, a shopper or not, this place has something for everyone! It would be an impossible task to come here and walk away with nothing. We spent about 5 hours here today, and intend to go back again tomorrow. Meg was good about it, and despite her intermittent complaints, bore the day rather well. Now to convince her to do it all again tomorrow!

She was hungry and perspiring barely 15 minutes after we arrived! Thank goodness I'm a snack queen and I've always got something stashed in my backpack! This time, it was Oreo cookies for her!

Not sure if it's cool for a kid so young to wear such trendy sunglasses. We didn't buy this pair although it looked quite good on her, but we probably will when we go back there tomorrow!

A Bhuddist altar placed along one of the Sois.

A much needed drink stop. We had coconut juice and my favourite Lipton Iced Lemon Tea. Only 45B in total! So shiok!

The massage king taking every opportunity to relax. We dumped our bags with him for an hour and walked around hands-free...such luxury!

This was our greatest find of the day! A stall selling scrumptious, delicious honey glazed pork, freshly grilled at 35B/100g. It's really something we stumbled upon and I remember reading about this special honeyed pork but never thought I'd ever find it. I wasn't actually looking for it but am so grateful I did, cos now it's a must stop everytime we're there. I remember where it is and could probably find it without a map. It's so good, I bought two portions, one for myself and Meg and another for MJ. There are always customers at the stall at any one time, some of whom bought a few big pieces at one go. Hmm, I'm thinking of it right now, and will get me some of that when we go back tomorrow! I forgot to get close up shots of the pork but will do that tomorrow! Akan Datang!

Still at it after an hour!

I was waiting for MJ to buy his aromatherapy burner and sat my tired self down by the side of the store, and was immediately engulfed by the stench from the drain that was emitting from a covered manhole. Just part and parcel of the 'flavour' of Chatuchak! I ended up directly behind this old woman trying to sell some sweets. I wanted to give her some money but MJ said I can't just give money without taking the sweets cos some people don't like that. They're not actually begging but trying to sell something to earn their keep. I didn't want the sweets cos I knew I'd end up throwing them away. I was in two minds whether to give her the money and had prepared some for her, but after what MJ said, I decided not to give after all. Now I'm regretting it.
1 comment:
wah, MJ really knows how to enjoy life..and just get meg those glasses! who says you can't be cool at seven?!
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