Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MIL's Birthday Lunch

My mother-in-law, my husband's mother, my daughter's popo, turns 60 tomorrow. We celebrated the big day in advance with a lunch at Royal China Restaurant at the Raffles last Sunday. We've been there before, thanks to Siu for introducing it to me. I'd probably never have stepped in otherwise. We ordered what we usually order and I think everyone enjoyed it very much. I think the kids might've made a tad too much noise, though I kept reminding them we were in a high class restaurant...yeah, like that means anything to them! Well the people who were about to settle down at the table beside us thought the better of it and moved! Only then did I realise that we were indeed rather noisy. But thank goodness it's not the type of place where one has to wear suits and is so quiet that you can hear the char siew drop on the floor. The sio bah, by the way, is deeeelicious! We had dim sum, roast meats, a very peppery and savoury white carrot soup, spinach cooked with garlic and served in a nice soupy base, some fried rice, dessert and we were stuffed after gobbling everything. It was a nice lunch which I'd hoped to work off by cycling at East Coast after that, but it poured and poured and I ended sleeping instead. Bah! So much for the weak attempt at losing weight!
M&M1 - The two rascal cousins, namely Megan and Max, doing what they do best, being mischeivous and feeding off each other.
M&M2 - Still at it. They seemed to have the impression that whoever had the worse face would win a prize.
M&M3 - Finally, a decent pix. Don't they look alike?

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