Thursday, April 23, 2009

Afternoon Downpour

I guess I must be pretty out of ideas when I have to blog about rain. BUT today's rain was a little out of the ordinary cos my scenery was atypical. What started out as an ambitious cycling trip (I'd planned to cycle at least 30 km today) at East Coast Park turned out to be a non-event, with the exception of the rain of course. That ruined my plans to work off some of the plentiful food I've been having. The only good thing that came out of it was that I was finally able to say my $16 investment on a bike bag paid off cos it allowed me to carry my phone, camera, a few notes, ATM card and a 10 cent coin. The camera proved to be most useful today. The phone did not as it picked up the Indon signal and thus, my need to carry a 10 ct coin cos I didn't fancy making an international-local call if you know what I mean. Anyways, here's what a photographer stuck in the rain with a bike does when there's nothing else to do besides wait.
Those blackish spots you see in the sky are NOT dust spots, they're actually raindrops. Click on the pix and you'll be able to see some windsurfers in the foreground.Besides the noise from the heavy rain, joining in the humdrum were two super puma helis, from the RSAF no less. Goodness knows why they were there.
I missed a good composition when it flew right above me, due to my unpreparedness, but they gave me a second chance when they circled and composed themselves right above the windsurfers and ships in the background. And then they were gone.

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