Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So we took a short family work vacation to KL in early March - 'work' for MJ who was there to attend a course, and vacation for my mum, meg and myself. Yen and I hadn't been to KL in years! We didn't have any vivid memories of it before our trip. It was Meg's first time there. There are two great things about KL. Food and Shopping. Period. I guess Singaporeans go there for these two 'activities'. We're no different. We didn't shop much but each of our meals was properly planned and well executed. Highly recommended are:
Madam Kwan's famous Nasi Lemak. Words can't describe this dish. All I can say is, if you only have one meal in KL, make sure this is it! Unfortunately, I don't have a pix of the dish, cos I dug into it as soon as it landed in front of me and didn't stop til I finished. Who could be bothered with photos?! Makan first! I actually forgot to snap a few shots.
Overseas Chinese Restaurant's (Jln Imbi branch) famous Char Siew. It's well grilled with burnt bits on some parts and its sauce is sweet and sticky. Very succulent and yummy! Must try! The food here is generally very good. We had good chicken soup as well. Just ask them to recommend the house dishes and you won't go wrong. I've read from other foodies' reviews that the fish is very pricey though, so we didn't order that.
Wendy's hamburgers. It's a real pity we don't have Wendy's here anymore. Someone please bring it back! I had my fill in the states (actually only a couple of times) and I just had to have at least one meal there in KL. There are quite a few branches and the burgers are the best! huge and juicy!
Little Penang Kafe's Char Kway Teow. Gotta wait at least 20 mins for this dish though, as stated in their menu. The food here is quite good, but not as good as the ones I've mentioned above.
Thanks to Kim Hoh for recommending all these places. I followed his tips to the T and each recommendation was superb! He is after all a KL boy!
The KLCC is a pretty awesome building, especially at night. It's lit up quite brilliantly and I didn't think it looked that great from the pictures I've seen of it. But standing at the foot of it, looking up, it does look magnificent.
My 'hiao' daughter posing with her flower taken from the hotel room. This is the food street, Jalan Alor, which my colleagues told me about. We did not eat there in the end as it was drizzling most nights when we were there, and it's a bit hard to eat roadside food with Meg.
There was a whole hoarde of what looked like construction workers taking an afternoon siesta in a small park just by the KLCC. It was quite a sight with all their hard hats strung on tree branches.
Well not everyone was sleeping.

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