The 'jie-jie' asked to carry 'mei mei' at the hospital and was thrilled yet apprehensive at the same time. She mustered the courage to hold the babe, sitting down of course, and didn't dare move an inch the whole time. She has declared herself "the poop-thrower", helping to throw soiled diapers, cringing her face when it's an especially stinky one. She's also my 'fetcher' when I'm stuck at a position with the babe at breast. So far, there are no visible signs of jealousy but we keep reminding ourselves to shower extra attention on her 'just in case'. She loves playing with Emma and constantly declares "she's so cute". My friend Cat told me that when a new baby is born into a family with a sibling, the parents have to shower attention on the sibling, not the newborn...quite true...never thought of it that way...hope her love for her mei mei endures...

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