I remember being wheeled into the operating theatre, but not any reassuring parting words from my husband. The view from the bed is exactly like what you see in movies, with the ceiling going past you when you're lying down. The feeling I had at the time is one of fear, uncertainty, great fear. I can't explain it. It was my first surgery and I guess that's part of the reason. I'm not sure if it was cold or just my nerves but I remember distinctively that I was shaking very uncontrollably and I was upset about that. I couldn't stop myself no matter how I tried.
In no time, I was in the operating theatre and again, it's exactly how it's like in the movies and on TV with huge looming lights above, and all the doctors and nurses were unidentifiable as they were all gowned up in operating gear. By this time, shaking like jelly is an understatement. It was like I was having fits. I prayed very very hard to ask the Lord to calm me down, as I realised that the shaking wasn't going to help when they were about to insert the needle into my arm. This part of the procedure was probably the most painless. Everything happened so quickly and the last thing I remembered was the anaesthetist, Dr Ma (who had more than 20 years experience and everyone has woken up under his charge, reassured my doctor) saying, "Have a good sleep"...

Then I felt myself being wheeled, back to the ward I assumed, with the sounds of another day beginning for the rest of the people along the way. My eyes were shut but I could hear everything. After a rather long journey, I knew I was back in the room, and after things had quietened down, and I heard some noises in the room, I assumed it was MJ there and immediately mustered some strength to ask "How's the baby? Is she normal? Ten fingers ten toes?" MJ thought I was hallucinating as I asked the questions with a drawl and slur in my voice. You'd think that that's the first thing the operating theatre staff would tell you after you've regained consciousness. I mean, it's every mother's first concern if the baby came out alright, normal, etc. Why don't they tell you these things instead of you having to ask?
After MJ realised that my questions made sense, he replied that everything was normal and I was relieved and fell back into stupor. The next thing I knew, the baby was wheeled in to suckle at my breast. I'm not sure how long after my conversation with MJ did this occur but I could finally open my eyes and saw the little babe for the first time. The first thing that came to my mind was "Megan!" I could not believe it.
She suckled well and the rest is a blur.
All I can say is that C-sections are no fun and I would've opted to stick with a natural birth if I'd known. I hadn't read up on having C-sections and that was a mistake. If I'd known what it entailed, I would've waited until a natural birth was a firm non-option, only then would I have gone for the C. It takes longer for one to recover from the C and the pain is probably worse than giving birth naturally. For natural births, the hardest thing after delivery for me was the first pee, but other than that, everything was bearable and the pain was gone in a few days. The pain for the C-section wound took a full 7 days to diminish and there were alot of side effects along the way. A catheter had to be placed in me before the op as I was bed bound after the procedure. There was a huge bandage covering the wound which I was allergic to and developed a bad rash with boils. The rashes gave me such an unbearable itch so I naturally had to scratch it, which then broke the boil which was filled with watery discharge. The scars they left behind are hideous and are still there to this day. They are going to be permanent, I'm afraid.
I had to wear a binder to support my abdomen. This exacerbated the itch and the tightness of the elastic binder kept the area hot and non-ventilated, adding to my already uncomfortable state. All in all, definitely no fun!
Whatever it is, it's all over. Baby Emma is healthy and that's what's important. Every mother would suffer all the pain in the world for their baby...and with God's help, the miracle had finally been born.

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