Sheepishly, she grinned at the camera, her pint sized stature slightly arched from the "wah-it's-so-heavy" bag she had slung over her shoulders. Seeing the IJ uniform on her made me smile, and brought back fond memories of myself in it, eons ago, albeit in a much bigger size, I'm sure. Our little kid was going to Pri 1. We're thrilled by it, though a little apprehensive. Thrilled to see her go through her rite of passage, to go through all the experiences we have. Apprehensive because she goes 'out there' into the world, and her journey towards independence-hood begins. I have to loosen my apron strings and I hope I don't have to untie them too soon. I pray for her journey to be a rich and happy one, with Him watching over her, keeping her away from bad influences and for her to keep the values we've taught her close to her heart.

A note for Meg.

Taking the term 'documenting every step of the way' literally.

A full length portrait, just to make sure the $63 bag is doing what it says it does, protecting the child's spine.

Papa the 'Ahmad' got the car and waited downstairs for us so we wouldn't waste any time.

All strapped in and ready to go!

In case you've ever wondered what goes inside a Pr 1 kid's schoolbag.

The mother trying her darndest to tie the hair, in the strangest of places...

So afraid I'd 'poke' her.

Woohoo! All ready!! Except for the hair! A hair person my mummy is not!

Ooh it's fun to cross the overhead bridge with my daddy!

That's where we're going!!! (right)

I suddenly feel sleepy like a zombie...nah, just playing for the camera...
Unfortunately, with all the excitement and commotion, I didn't manage to get ANY shots of her going up the school staircase as I was straightening her uniform and making sure everything was ok before she left us. The teachers 'shoo-ed' her up the stairs so quickly that before I knew it, she was gone. I didn't even get to plant a kiss on her head. Sigh...
1 comment:
Oh my god, can't believe she's off to pri 1 already - has it been seven years since she was born??
Seeing the photos of her in the IJ uniform made me smile - I had a blast wearing it for 10 years! Am sure that it will be an exciting journey for her as well.
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