Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yet Another One...

I got into another accident last Thursday, and again, it wasn't my fault. I was turning onto Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 from Bishan Road, and when I saw a Peugeot 207 approaching fast, I stopped at the junction, and lo and behold, I took a hit from the rear, causing the car to surge forward about a metre. I got out of the car to inspect the damage and it turned out to be significant. An SMRT taxi hit me, and we both knew it was his fault. Of course he tried to say that I stopped suddenly, and that in fact, I could've gone ahead to turn. I never heard of a more ridiculous claim. I said he shouldn't have assumed I was turning. How could I when a car was fast approaching from my right? This whole incident has inconvenienced me greatly. I've had to rely on public transport for the past three days and while it's a refreshing change taking the MRT and bus, I still love having my car and being extremely mobile. Last Thursday was a memorable day for me. I received some good news only to be marred by this mini accident. But I won't let this incident ruin it for me. Nevertheless, these two events will always be linked in my memory. Thank God no one was injured. Fender Bender. The whole rear bumper was affected.

That little stud sticking out is the reverse sensor.
The taxi suffered minimal damage.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Second Day

So we put her on the bus the second day so she could see who her uncle bus driver is, how long the journey would take, etc. After the bus picked her up, we headed to the school to wait for her arrival. Yes, yes...kiasu...absolutely! The bus was supposed to arrive at around 12.15pm but bus after bus passed through the school's barriered gates and still no sign of her. Finally, it arrived at almost 12.45pm, half an hour later than its scheduled arrival time. Apparently the driver waited for one of the girls for half an hour. Gosh!
Anyway, this time I was back for revenge with my camera, since I'd missed the action on Day 1. Here's the visual diary...She is one of the earliest to be picked up, with only one other girl before her.
Hooray! I've finally arrived in school after an hour on the bus!
I'm so happy that Elise is on the same bus as me!
And we get to dance together!
Meg with her pals from Marymount, Chloe, Elise and Bernadette.
Cool arch!
Ok it's time to go in mum!
Meg and Bernie trying to look at everything that's happening. What a mayhem!
Still looking...and ignoring parents...
Ok stop it already! I have to go!
ok ok one more for all the parents.
Phew, what a day! I'm hungreeeeee!

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day Of Primary One

Sheepishly, she grinned at the camera, her pint sized stature slightly arched from the "wah-it's-so-heavy" bag she had slung over her shoulders. Seeing the IJ uniform on her made me smile, and brought back fond memories of myself in it, eons ago, albeit in a much bigger size, I'm sure. Our little kid was going to Pri 1. We're thrilled by it, though a little apprehensive. Thrilled to see her go through her rite of passage, to go through all the experiences we have. Apprehensive because she goes 'out there' into the world, and her journey towards independence-hood begins. I have to loosen my apron strings and I hope I don't have to untie them too soon. I pray for her journey to be a rich and happy one, with Him watching over her, keeping her away from bad influences and for her to keep the values we've taught her close to her heart.
A note for Meg.
Taking the term 'documenting every step of the way' literally.
A full length portrait, just to make sure the $63 bag is doing what it says it does, protecting the child's spine.
Papa the 'Ahmad' got the car and waited downstairs for us so we wouldn't waste any time.
All strapped in and ready to go!
In case you've ever wondered what goes inside a Pr 1 kid's schoolbag.
The mother trying her darndest to tie the hair, in the strangest of places...
So afraid I'd 'poke' her.
Woohoo! All ready!! Except for the hair! A hair person my mummy is not!
Ooh it's fun to cross the overhead bridge with my daddy!
That's where we're going!!! (right)
I suddenly feel sleepy like a zombie...nah, just playing for the camera...

Unfortunately, with all the excitement and commotion, I didn't manage to get ANY shots of her going up the school staircase as I was straightening her uniform and making sure everything was ok before she left us. The teachers 'shoo-ed' her up the stairs so quickly that before I knew it, she was gone. I didn't even get to plant a kiss on her head. Sigh...

Kids In Uniform

MJ's friend TL had a brainwave idea to get the kids together for a group pix in their respective school uniforms the day before they start school. All three of them, Reuben, Bryan and Meg begin their 15-year academic career today, in few hours' time. I think we parents are more excited and anxious about this than the young 'uns. It's with anticipation and trepidation that I "release" her into an environment where she begins her journey to independence. We've prayed for His guidance and watchful eye. I know this is one of the many moments to come when, as a parent, you know you can't control what happens out there. Once they're out of their 'shelter', there's no turning back. They'll be exposed to influences, good and bad, and we just hope and pray that our love and values will keep them on the straight path. Gosh, I know I sound like she's going off to college or something, but I do feel this sense of vacuum inside. At the same time, I know I can't keep her under my wingspan forever. There's a whole world out there that's beckoning to them and all we can do is watch them fly and hope that they soar...
So many cameras but she still looks at mine! :0)
I now see "kiasu parents" in a different light...cos I'm turning out to be one of them...!
(L-R): Reuben, Meg, Bryan and Kelly, who's going on to Pr 2.

Here's What The Tooth Fairy Left...

Two gold coins...what's the going rate these days??!!
I can't remember if the Tooth Fairy ever visited me...I can't remember how much money I got if she did! ;)