Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Fiery All Souls Day

A smokey sky greeted us as we approached the Choa Chu Kang cemetary at noon yesterday. We try to make it a yearly ritual to visit my dad's grave on his death anniversary and All Souls Day which falls on Nov 2, the day after All Saints Day. At first, I thought it was the candles and offerings that people left behind that must've ignited some grass that led to bigger flames, but there were actually pockets of grass fire, brought on, no less, by the scorching heat at high noon.
The kaypoh in me made me wander over to the source of the smoke to try to get some shots and low and behold, some SCDF firemen arrived at the same time. Pix opportunity galore! They paid no attention to me as I began to photograph them beating the flames out, cos I was using a compact camera, and they must've thought I was a harmless busybody. I made some shots and then went back to help my mum clean my dad's tombstone. The heat was unbearable but God was kind and about 10 minutes after we started, the clouds arrived and provided us with temporary relief.

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