Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The cupboards are all up but there were some issues. The leftmost door of Em's wardrobe cannot be fully opened because the air conditioning duct is blocking it. The steel gate of the front door is very difficult to close from the outside and there are a few other issues. Some problems have been fixed, or are in the process of being fixed. I still haven't got the confirmation if the handover date is still in mid-Nov or not. The bathroom fittings haven't been installed yet and we just went to see the guy who makes roller blinds. We spent an hour with him looking through the samples he brought along and learnt that there are three types of blinds: The perforated type which offers no privacy, the dimmed out blinds that offer privacy and lets light in at the same time, and there's the blackout blinds that is opague and keeps the light out. We expected the blinds to cost abt $2k but it was more than $2.5k so that's yet another additional cost. We made a total of 10 roller blinds throughout the house, mixing the dimmed out and blackout versions. Shudder. It's roling rolling rolling, the money, that is, rolling out of my pocket! 😓
Emma's wardrobe. See the aircon trunking on the top left...
The left door can't be fully opened because the trunking is blocking it.
A closer up view.
Since the door can't be opened fully, the drawers below suffer the same fate.
No problem with Meg's wardrobe.
Her desk looks good too.
Emma's desk.
The other issue is with the glass display cabinet. The top of it should be flushed and I'm not sure why the top right panel is protruding down. 
A closer look at what I mean.
Then the pocket door between the girls' rooms doesn't slide back into its pocket easily. This is the reason. The lock is probably not aligned well. It can't turn either.
No problem with this handle. Glad they've taped it up so that it doesn't hit the wardrobe door whenever the door is opened. They will install a doorstopper soon, hopefully.
I don't mean to be too "eem cheem" but the fact that the door handles are not straight does bother me. I will raise it with the contractor. Almost all of them are like this so I'm inclined to think that "it's like that" but the one in the bathroom isn't like that so I think it's a matter of straightening it. Since it bothers me, I shall raise it.
Our snack table for the workers.
This is what I saw in the morning...
In the night when it became this. Not sure why they removed the front cover of the TV console. Please ignore the different colours in both pictures. The pix above was shot under natural light and the bottom one was shot under tungsten lighting.
The protrusion or drop had also been rectified. They took a few days to fix this. The first pix above was shot a few days ago.

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