Wednesday, November 1, 2017

DAY 46

The kitchen counter is up! The counter top is rather shallow though and we are a little disappointed with that because that means we can't roll dough or make a big pizza. I hope that when the solid surface is installed, it will give us a few more inches. I've lost track of the progress made every day. It's getting harder to tell because little parts are done each time and I've not been too diligent in blogging over the past couple of days. With the changes in the office, I've just been too tired to do so. We still go every day to the apt if we can. 
We've had to go at night after work which is why the photos are so tungsten in colour. I've not done a good job in enhancing the photo.
The house reeks of glue.
A view from inside the kitchen.
The wardrobes in the bedrooms are also up.
In the process at least.
The master bedroom. We had originally had a desk that was supposed to occupy the space on the right but the construction costs were spiralling out of control so we scrapped it. We may build it later on. 
The fittings and appliance corner. 
Our IDs originally wanted Blume door hinges/closers but it was too expensive so we settled for Excel, which I've never heard of but if it does the same job, we're alright with it. It's cheaper than Blume of course.
Looking at the number of closers required, it did save us quite a bit.
Our Fujioh cooker hood in metallic silver. I would've preferred it in stainless steel but they don't have that option.
On the left is where our 'broom cabinet' is going to be. It's actually the leftover space behind the fridge which would've been waster space so I wanted to use the space for something and since it's narrow, a broom storage area is ideal.
General view. 
Mr inspector eyeing the progress.

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