Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meg Turns 10!!!

Meg turned 10 yesterday. It was a quiet celebration. The poor thing received no birthday wishes from her friends as all of them had forgotten that yesterday was the actual day! But the smile soon returned to her face when she received her birthday present...albeit with several restrictions that came with it, including the ban from using the earphones. She can only listen to it via a speaker, which we have yet to get for her. MJ doesn't want her to turn into an angsty teen always plugged into a gadget and affecting her hearing in the process, not to mention becoming anti-social in general. I concur!
Our daughter is growing up fast! I'm happy to say she is quite well behaved and isn't a spoilt brat who has to get what she wants. At least to my mind she isn't. I hope she stays sweet and loving. Many people have commented that she is pretty but I never fail to remind her after she receives these compliments, that beauty is on the inside, not the outside and I'd rather she be pretty inside as outer beauty is a passing thing and will eventually fade.

Happiness is... an iPod Nano! For a 10-year-old at least...

Painstakingly wrapped by her mother...

Nice, ain't it? I don't usually bother too much with the wrapping since it's going to be tossed within a minute after it's received!

We celebrated at Putien Restaurant at Nex Mall.

Getting a hug and a kiss from mei mei.

To wish or not to wish, that is the question... we told her she only gets to do this once a year so better not waste the chance!

We had an early dinner, popped into the computer store to have a look at some iPod Nano 7th generation cases, but she didn't like the few on display so we walked out of the shop empty handed.
It's rare to go out on a school night but it's a rare occasion that warrants the rare treat! 


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