Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Search For Our New Home...

...has begun, with a phone call that I've been procrastinating with for weeks. I called a housing agent, Joseph Lim, recommended by my colleague Desmond who engaged him as his agent to buy his new home and sell his current one. So Joseph came highly recommended. 
It's with some hesitation that I finally dialled Joseph's number earlier this evening. Is this the right time? Should I call him now? When is the right time? It can take months to find the right home, so I should start the ball rolling now, shouldn't I? And I turn a year older in two weeks' time, which means I have a year less to pay up my loan. As it is I want to finish paying for the house before I retire so that leaves us with a very short period of time to do so. I think I'm already too late as my monthly mortgage will be quite high as it is. 
The finances are a worry. I've tried to do my sums and it doesn't look good. Yet, this move is necessary and it is probably the last house that we will buy before we retire. We've always wanted our dream, well designed home that is a vast change from the clutter we've lived with for years. The new home is not just a new space to live in, but it marks for us a new start in terms of a more simplified way of living, a chance to de-clutter, a chance to live comfortably in a nice new place that will bring us a peace of mind and some happiness. It's for all these reasons that this is such an important move for us. I'm filled with apprehension, as the coming year is expected to be a challenging one economy-wise so interest rates are on its way up. There are so many 'what ifs' and 'hows' in my head so I can only pray that He will help us in our search and allow everything to fall into place nicely. 

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