Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Sleeping Babe

Don't let these pictures fool you...she doesn't sleep that soundly most of the time. The only reason I'm posting pictures of Em asleep is because those are the only times I can actually photograph her. Also, I think pix of a sleeping babe are more calming than a wailing one! She is extremely cute when she's not fussing. She likes to move her hands a lot to find a comfortable position for herself. She won't sleep otherwise. This one sure knows what she wants!
She dozes off quite easily at the breast, which is a problem for my milk supply cos she doesn't nurse long enough! Sometimes I leave her lying asleep on my feeding pillow cos if I move her she will wake up and I have to put her back to sleep all over again.
"Oh gosh, all that noise!!! How's a babe supposed to sleep?!"
All bundled up and happy!

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