Friday, August 28, 2009

A Minor Accident

My first reaction - like most people, I believe - was, "Oh S&*^"! The second was, "OMG is the guy hurt?" as I saw him tumble off his motorbike, landing on the ground. Before I could verbally or physically react, the chap was up on his feet, tugging at his motorbike, which was partially trapped under the left side of my car bumper. I had to reverse my car a little to allow him to fully pull his bike out and in a flash, he sheepishly raised his hand to motion a 'sorry', got onto his bike and rode off.
This happened on Tuesday at a busy traffic junction along a main thoroughfare known as Jln Tebrau in Johor Bahru. I was on my way back to Singapore after visiting my friend Lea and her baby, Yuxin.
It was my first mini accident with the Subaru. The whole incident was over in 30 seconds. I did not even react to the rider. I was expressionless mostly because it happened so quickly, and cos I was more concerned that no one was hurt. I suspected that the damage was just a scrape and not a major dent, judging from the noise I'd heard when he bumped into me.
I was preparing to move off when the traffic light turned green, and suddenly, out of nowhere appeared this motorbike which swerved into my path from the left and as I put the car in motion, clipped his bike and pinned it down. There was no way I could've avoided it cos I didn't see him until it was too late. I didn't even think to get out to ask for compensation of any sort, not that I would be successful in getting any, I suspect. The rider seemed ok, since he sprang from horizontal to vertical positions rather quickly and was concerned with making a quick getaway more than anything else.
So the best thing to do was just to drive off and not hold up traffic. The guy obviously knew he was in the wrong cos he acknowledged it, and sped off quickly to avoid having to face up to any sort of compensation.
Ah well, these things happen. Luckily no one was hurt, and I was in time to pick Meg up from school. Only later when I inspected the damage did I feel a little regretful cos it looked bad enough.
My last thought was, "thank God I'm not driving a Golf!"


Lobstersingstheblues said...

OK, like you HAVE to stop driving over the JB especially alone!! So dangerous!!!

lea's blog said...

i feel so bad for you! :-(