She's been prodding her little tooth with her tongue for ages, willing it to dislodge just so she can see the Tooth Fairy. I told her the tooth fairy only comes when she is asleep and as I write, I hope she has dozed off so the fairytale can come true. She ran towards the car when we dropped by my mum's to pick her up at almost 11pm. Then she stopped short right beside the front passenger window where Yen was seated and proudly declared "Look at me!!!"

We knew immediately that her tooth had finally come off, having been wobbly and threatening to shed for weeks. Our advice that the longer her teeth stayed in tact, the better, didn't seem to make a dent on her.
The beginnings of her permanent jagged tooth has surfaced, only it's not aligned with her current set of teeth and seems to be growing slightly behind it. Besides being 'thrilled' all evening, and not being able to contain it, she did voice a slight disappointment that the tooth decided to fall on Wed night, rather than Thursday, being the last day of the year. "I don't want it to come out today! I want it to come out tomorrow!!!"

'I can't decide if I'm happy or sad about my tooth!"

"I Can't Believe It!!!"

"I STILL Can't Believe It!!!"

She bought this little treasure chest specially for the occasion. She says she is going to put all her milk teeth in it!